An archive of all the update logs I wrote for the website. Mostly as a reference to myself, and also so that they don't clog the main page too much. Considering my writing style, these double as mini-journals lol
22/10/2024 - Here's another "I'm not dead!! Just really exhausted from life and have zero energy to work on this place" :(
Added small update to the Deltaring page as I've had to close submissions for it. I hope I'll be able to work on this place again... I have so many new things to add to this place, can you believe the Cable cast page is STILL missing Rayne??
I've gotten really into 3D Modeling this year, hopefully when I have the energy for it, I'll share some of the models I've made! I don't know when that will be though, I haven't even had the energy to switch to the website's October color scheme this year and at this point it's kind of too late in the month for that :(
Also added some Animation stuff I did last year to the Notice Board so hopefully that spices things up a bit!
23/05/2024 - Geez, it's been a while x( Ever since I got a proper job, I've had little to no energy to work on this space and the free time I do have is just spent zoning out at home or working on OC Art.
I'm not quite sure when I'll be capable to do proper updates again, but I did do some maintenance to dead links.
A lot of my audio files were hosted through Discord and a bunch of pages have stopped playing sound so I'm just fixing up those.
I hope to be able to consistently work on this place again, but for the time being, other things have to take priority x(
Thank you everyone who is still visiting! I'm glad this silly place is still getting enjoyed by people!
11/12/2023 - Been fussing around here and there, particularly I've been messing with some pages from the Cable AU and their organization, but nothing that exciting as of yet lol
I'm going to be doing another round of mass editing things, but the reason for this, is because I want to clean up how I organized the links to the website.
Instead of having stuff like href="/home", my format has just been to have the entire link, because back when I first started working on the website, I was having trouble with setting up and the redirects getting all jumbled up was annoying
But since I plan to eventually get a custom domain once my money situation doesn't feel like I'm going to get the rug pulled from under me at any minute now, I figured I might as well get this out of the way.
I'm also on the process of reuploading the website's audio files somewhere else. I've just been using a private Discord server for that kind of stuff, but with the recent changes to the links, that format is likely to become a liability in the future
So yeah, expect to see changes to pages where seemingly nothing has changed. I'm just cleaning things up!
29/11/2023 - CHRISTMAS THEME IS IN! Now I know we're still in November, but I won't be around much this weekend, and I wanted to have this theme set up ahead of time, else I know it just wouldn't leave my mind!
I think the CSS variables are now fully properly set up and I had to make an exclusive class for some of the image decor I have so that it changes hue when these holiday themes are applied! (Easier than replacing image assets every single time lol)
Took a bit, and I also cleaned up some loose bits of inline code I could find. I think I managed to clean up most of the stuff I wanted to, and hopefully I won't run into any other issues hehe
I do want to be more experimental with these custom themes, I might look into ways to make them into toggles or something of the sort?? I'm still just trying to figure out how any of these scripts work!
If there's anything I missed, feel free to let me know either in the chat or guestbook or anywhere really!
Speaking of Guestbook, I do read all the messages I get on it! They've just become so many that it's become very overwhelming to respond to everyone ;_; But rest assured that I'm reading all of them and I appreciate everyone's kind words so so much!
28/11/2023 - Made some of the website's purples... purpler. Almost done setting up variables for the CSS, and I'm fixing up some coding crimes as I spot them hehe
This Home page has an uncomfortable amount of inline done in some of the elements, so I want to eventually clean that up and set up stylesheets for those as well! :'D But for now I'm focusing on the variables
24/11/2023 - New slideshow gallery is now on the main Home page! It took me three whole days of Frankensteining scripts, mashing CSS together and tormenting my poor friends with coding talk, bUT SO HELP ME, I DID IT!
I so badly want to properly learn how to Javascript, because the few attempts I did with coding it on my own were just... yeesh.
I think I'm learning the mindset one needs to be in to do it, so I'm looking forward to give myself increasingly frustrating projects I will struggle to realize! That's been my approach to learning everything I do and it's worked out so far, so???
Backstage changes, I'm in the process of setting up CSS variables for the colours on my website since I had no idea that was a thing to begin with?? It's extremely subtle and I doubt anyone noticed any changes but yeah.
Some colours on the website have been changed to be more consistent with the rest of the palette. There were like three different shades of a very similar light purple that existed on the website and those have all been moved into being the same shade :'D
Christmas theme might be viable after all, but I'll be honest, I really don't feel like drawing the Christmas version of my sona's splash art hahaha
18/11/2023 - Man. I love trying to make small edits to the website and accidentally ending up fixing problems that have been nagging me ever since I first made the place LOL
I finished the page for my League of Legends Fan Art and in order to celebrate me making a gallery page that actually has recent art and not stuff from over 10 years ago, I figured it warranted a minor reorganizing of the Artwork page!
I retired the Old Art Archives page and put all the categories in the same page, this time categorized by fandom and type of artwork. The way that menu was coded was also very headache inducing and it required a lot of fussing in order to make it properly responsive.
Turns out this was because of the use of left floaters lmao Don't blame me, blame whatever tutorial I snatched that code from without understanding the context in which it was originally getting used.
But yeah, uh. League of Legends is a game. The Aurelion Sol shrine continues to be an extremely poorly optimized page so that's going to be a WIP for a while.
I'm also debating messing with site themes ever since I did the Halloween palette swap. I found some tutorials that make the process a lot quicker to setup than what I had going on, so I might try and see if there's something I can do with that...
Could be fun to have a Winter/Christmas theme?
08/11/2023 - More awkwardly spaced out updates LOL But I do have an excuse this time, which is that I haven't actually been doing much of anything on the website this past month with the course and whatnot!
It's going alright so far, we haven't gotten to the Web Design stuff yet but the vibes seem really neat so far :) I've also been spending more time with my IRL friends as well, so that has left my computer time a bit more limited...
(Pay no mind to the "Playing League of Legends" status I have on Discord for hours erm-)
When removing the Halloween theme, I've made some minor changes to the CSS, mostly in matters in sizing and responsive layouts! Most notably I've changed the look of the Fanfiction lists so they're a bit more interesting looking.
I also added some animations I made these past months to the Extras section of the Cable AU pages! Speaking of the AU, I also updated the pixel art list to add some newer stuff to it!
I might try to go back to the original purpose of this website, which was to build an art archive. My next goal is to attempt to add my League of Legends artwork, but that does include the stuff I drew during the height of my Aurelion Sol hyperfixation, and that may end up being a Lot more art than what I can tackle at the moment lmao
Maybe I should just try to write a To Do list instead...
01/10/2023 - Happy Spooky month!! If I did this right, the website should be having a spookier (just orange) theme now, throughout the whole month of October.
I left some pages intact like the Commission info etc, and hopefully I managed to clear up most of the visual quirks before I made this live!
But yeah, you might be noticing the awkward two month gap between updates, but that's been because my mental health situation has kind of taken a dive, and while I have continued working on the website, writing the Update Logs has been the last of my priorities LOL
Anyway, you can check the Site Map for any new pages, I'll probably eventually set up some kind of "New!" label on it for stuff like that. Update logs will likely continue being sparse...
Also my Web Design course is starting next week and I am very excited for it!! Also cripplingly nervous lol I'm hoping for the best but genuinely don't know what to expect. I wonder if they'll let me use this website as a sandbox of sorts?
But anyway, take care of yourselves, I'm just posting to Tumblr and talking on my Discord if anyone wants to keep up with me :)
03/08/2023 - Been going through one of my moods of bouncing around from page to page to fix small pieces of code and whatnot :) I finished cleaning up most of my CSS pages and gave some adjustments to how the layout appears on ipad-like screens. I've yet to test it out on a proper real ipad but I do like how it turned from the Inspect mode :)
I also cleared some clutter off of this main page, particularly getting rid of the Spotify playlist which I don't think was really getting much use, and I moved the flag counter to that corner instead.
Another note, idk if anyone is reading this, but I'm so humbled by people's kind feedback on the website, it's been such a silly goofy project, I'm so grateful to hear that people have enjoyed it and that it's inspired them to get into making personal websites as well! I wish you all the best of luck, it means so much to me!
28/07/2023 - So excited! I've had the idea bouncing in my head for months now, and I finally decided to set up and create my first webring! I call it Deltaring and in case the name doesn't make it obvious of what it is, it's a Deltarune focused webring!
It wasn't a good idea to do this on a day where I went to the doctor to draw blood, because I've been light-headed all day and launching something like this and getting my anxiety all up in a twist DEFINITELY isn't helping! But so help me, I'm excited!
In other updates, yeah I ended up having the ADHD thing of "This project is 90% finished and I suddenly have zero motivation to finish it" when it comes to cleaning up my old CSS page LOL I WILL get into it eventually
Also got to use my friend's ipad yesterday and I continue having doubts over how I want certain pages on this website to present. The welcome page continues to be super wonky, this Update Log box has no scroll bar or anything that even visually implies this is a scrollable thing other than the cropped text, so that's yet another thing to add to my work in progress Known Bugs and visual quirks page that I was trying to set up a while back as well haha.
One thing at a time, I suppose. Maybe I should update my Site Map.
26/07/2023 - Very long day today! I was immensely hyperfocused on the website, which was good since I had some tasks I desperately wanted to get out of the way for this place.
If anyone visited the website today and saw something broken then yeah... Oups! I've been putting off cleaning up my CSS stylesheet for a while and while I'm not done just yet, I cleared up a bunch of old code and stuff that wasn't getting used anywhere (Which was a lot more than I was expecting).
While at it, I ended up changing the /CreativeArchive links to just be /Artwork instead. The links were getting a bit too long for my liking, so that's my temporary fix :)
While clearing the old CSS, I also ended up tampering with the navbar and messing with links a bit :) I temporarily ommited the Drimare Universe link. It's been awkwardly sitting there leading to a 404 page for a while. The plans I have for the DU pages are very ambicious, and I don't know when I'll be in the headspace to set that up.
One thing I WAS in the right headspace for, was updating the navigation menu for the art gallery links. Looks pretty bad with the greyed out links, and there's so quirks with the mobile display, but I feel like that will pressure me to actually make those pages and add content to them! ...Might still be a while tho. I'm debating the overall organization of the thing so maybe I may end up making some other changes.
If I'm not too burnout tomorrow (Or later today since it's 5am rn), I'll finish cleaning up the CSS sheet. I finished the main CSS and now need to clear up the mobile CSS. Hopefully that won't take as long as everything else I've been doing!
20/07/2023 - Exciting update! I've been setting up a Comment Section widget to the Art and Literature pages of the website! It provides a better way to give feedback on certain pages and even though I'm not fully sure if they'll be getting much use from people, I'm excited to see if anyone will be using them!
While adding them, I'm also cleaning up the code in my literature pages. Since they were some of the first pages I ever made on the website, the code is an absolute mess!
I'm also thinking about retiring the old external Guestbook link and creating one right here on the website instead. And maybe also retiring the chat box? I'm not entirely sure since the both of them essentially provide the same function.
I want to do something about how slowly the pages load, but I'm also fussy and want to keep all my annoying page graphics LOL I'll see about it eventually.
07/07/2023 - Been updating things here and there. I cleared up some of the clutter on the Home page and added an invite to my Discord server since that's where I hang out the most!
I'm also sluggishly returning to the task of reuploading pictures into a proper Imgur account. I'm currently on the Pixel Art page which is one of the pages I was dreading to do because of how many tiny sprites I put on it...
But I have had plans to rearrange it a bit and change the look of some things so I'll probably be doing that as well :) Since there's a whole section of my website dedicated to my Deltarune AU, maybe with time I'll move some of the related sprites from the Pixel Art page to instead.
On other vaguely unrelated news, I uh... Well, hopes in finding a decent job continue to be none, specially in the art department. But I made an impulsive decision the other day and will be potentially starting a Web Design course in a few months and see where that leads me.
Creating this website has been some of the most fun I've had picking up a new hobby. Obviously I'm having blind spots since I only bother learning how to do things if I need them, but maybe if I can get some proper schooling for this, there might be hope for me yet.
I'm 26 years old. Time will pass either way.
21/06/2023 - Ever so loving of making funny website pages, and yet, the update log remains neglected. I burned myself out of doing image reuploads, but I wrote a list of the pages that still need them so I'll get to those eventually!
My main focus right now are the pages of my Deltarune AU, I'm writing down one of the character profiles to use as a base and last night I made a little video room showcasing all the cutscene videos I've created! Give it a look if you'd like! It was a very fun page to create.
05/06/2023 - ALMOST done with the Imgur reuploads! The longer pages for Sonic OCs and NiGHTS fanart etc etc took really long to get to, but I'm almost done with them and I'm excited to go back to work on the pages for my Deltarune AU! I set up a Wiki Character Profile mockup page the other day and I'm excited to add more to it!
08/05/2023 - Still doing image reuploads, it's VERY tiring LOL Also been updating some CSS again, so if things start breaking in some pages, that's why haha. I'll be cleaning up errors as they show up :)
02/05/2023 - Slowly doing the image reupload for every page, and while at it, I've been cleaning up some old CSS. Slowly, the pages that had excessive inline coding have been given their own CSS sheets instead to make editing easier LOL
The Candi Character Profile was especially guilty of this, but I'm slowly making things more organized :) While I'm doing this, I'm also adding embeds to pages, so if you share a link on Discord, there's a cute little description for them that pops up rather than just the link by itself!
I'm scared to go do the image replacing on the bigger gallery pages, it already took forever to update the Candi page (Which had 96 different images), and I'm not looking forward to do everything else aaaa
30/04/2023 - I am once again neglecting to write the Update Logs despite still working on this website LOL
I'm multitasking on way too many pages at the same time. I made a store page and will be linking it once I finish sitting up my Ko-fi, and I finally started setting up the pages for the Cable AU, though the only available ones are the main menu and the FAQ page that still needs some updates!
In other news, I've also been made aware that Imgur will be deleting anonymously posted images next month and like, every single one of the images on my website is exactly that, so I'm going to have to respost everything AGAIN but replace the images with new links from a proper Imgur account that I finally decided to make.
Might take a while but if you see me update a bunch of pages but they all seemingly look the same, that will likely be why :')
09/04/2023 - Man, I miss working on this place ;; I'm still tackling a bigger commission and a lot of projects I'm multitasking on, so I simply haven't had the spoons to work on this place :(
I just realized the Yesterweb Ring has been closed down as well, but I think I'll keep the widget on my page as a tribute :) Maybe I'll remove it one day, idk yet.
I didn't even plan on working on the website today, I was adding a secret page and it kind of just happened.
I'm also still working on the shrine page, but I haven't been able to properly focus on it. It's a bit too ambicious of an idea, but that's how it is when it comes to everything I do.
I've been working on a lot of pixel art stuff lately for my Deltarune AU and I'm debating how I'll be showcasing it on this website... The current format on the Pixel Art gallery page does get a tad cluttered since it was never meant to a type of artwork I did more than a few times a year :) Funny how that ended up changing.
Err... Happy Easter to whoever is here reading this?
18/03/2023 - Minor updates, I'm not doing the best emotionally, but I got a bunch of new projects and things I'm working on outside of this website, so that keeps me distracted enough!
I added a new journal to the Venting section because I just like archiving things, I guess?
On a more positive note, I saw one of my moots add embeds to their website's pages and that got me wondering like ??? Why haven't I done that yet??? I got a lot of pages, but I'll try to slowly add them in so I don't burn myself out.
10/03/2023 - Was procrastinating on artist alley work and looking through my DeviantArt to archive more old art for a Misc Fan Art gallery, and I ended finding some more art that wasn't posted to the already pre-existing galleries, so I ended up just adding those instead.
Also added some more recent-ish stuff to the NiGHTS gallery since I ended up finding some more art that wasn't posted to it. Also found some old shimeji assets which I originally thought thought be lost hehe :)
06/03/2023 - Updates haven't stopped, I've just been caught up with other things :) Aside from the occasional CSS change, I've been working on my first Shrine page, and it's going to take a while until it's ready...
It's looking rather... Stellar... So far.
17/02/2023 - Not really an update, just an... observation. I installed Firefox so I can finally get out of Chrome and my website is unpleasantly laggy on it... Plus it has no scrollbar customization which is a bigger dealbreaker than I thought it'd be x( And the rendering on the fonts is weird too which bothers me way too much...
I'm well aware that marquees are out of fashion and they lag awfully on the main page when using Firefox... I need to find a less-laggy alternative for them because I really want to stop using Chrome because of how much it kills my disk usage :(
14/02/2023 - No holidays today other than HAPPY ANNIVERSARY OF THIS WEBSITE'S CREATION! I can't believe it's already been a year, I'm so grateful to have made this place!
On an actual update, I finished the Big Project I was working on, it can been found on my Deltarune AU's page. Or on this main page's Featured video section :) Give it a watch if you're interested!
07/02/2023 - I won't need to fix the misplaced footer on the 404 page if there is no footer there anymore. I redesigned the 404 Page a bit to have something sillier :) I've been sitting on this 3D model of my sona for a while because I never could be bothered to do anything with it. At least it has some use now lol
05/02/2023 - Update 2 - Been meaning to do this for a while! I moved the Featured Artwork marquee to the middle of the Homepage and the Under Construction sign to the right :)
I basically swapped their places but I think it's nicer in order to allow my art to be more center stage! I also added a Featured Video section, though I'm not sure how often I'll be updating it lol
Also changed the autoplaying music to Animal Crossing's Chillwave :') As much as I love how symbolic Beat Street is to me, it was way too loud and scared me every time LOL
05/02/2023 - Update 1 - Changed the background image to a less crunchy jpeg version of itself :) I really should get my own art for this, but I've gotten so used to this background it's hard to change...
29/01/2023 - Found some collapsible text script that works better than the one I currently have, so I'm replacing it :) It's the script I'm using to show Ao3 Tags on my fics and to toggle the longer fics on my old gallery archives.
Since I'm fixing up those fic pages, I might as well clean up the code on those since they still have the old layout loading script! There's no difference if you're looking at it from the outside, but it leaves the source code less cluttered. Same goes for the collapsible text script!
I'm sort of getting the hang of HTML and CSS stuff, but JavaScript is pretty much still a mystery for me lol Hopefully I'll learn more about it so I make my own stuff with it, but for now I'll just stick to using premade scripts hahaha
25/01/2023 - I've still been focused on my bigger project, but I've done some stuff here :) Yesterday I was at a friend's house and got to use their ipad a bit. I have only ever seen how this place looks on my PC and mobile, and much to my dismay, the tablet resolution absolutely needs work... The enter page in particular is rather broken :')
I made some CSS adjustments in response to that, but mostly ended up breaking a lot of shit LOL It's fixed now but yeah, I don't have an ipad of my own, so testing the layout on one isn't really viable atm :')
I also made a small alteration to the journal page. Since I was writing a lot of Vent journals, I decided to make a separate page for them in a Venting section, so that my normal journals don't get buried in the mental health brain dumps I like posting for some reason.
What else what else... Oh yeah, we have a flag counter now :) Brings me back to my old DeviantArt days...
19/01/2023 - Whoups! I hadn't realized I left a blank update entry here for a whole day LOL I was going to write something on it but I guess I forgot and instinctively saved the page anyway...?
Anyway yeah, I'm upset that my energy to write has just been absent these past weeks, so that hopefully explains the lack of daily logs, which would be my ideal, even if I know it's expecting a bit too much from myself.
So, last week's updates!
I'm currently focused on a somewhat larger project outside of this website at the moment, so updates are slowing down a bit while I get that done.
It's something that's really important to me and even if I don't know if anyone is even reading these, I'm just so so excited to share it with people! Until then, take care everyone!
10/01/2023 - Been way too exhausted to write update logs so I've just been quietly updating pages instead :) My current project is a page for my NiGHTS art, as well as two pages dedicated to really old NiGHTS comics I made all the way back in 2011! They are attrocious but I'm committed to making this place an archive anyway!
While tampering with how I'd display the links to the comics, I made a table I liked enough and decided to also use it for the fanfic pages! :D Particularly the Deltarune one, where I've also added some illustrations I made for the fics! (Or just regular drawings that happened to fit the general vibe of the stories!)
Anyway, regarding my job, my employers also noticed I was turning into the Joker from working there, so in an unsurpising turn of events, I was fired. Back to struggling to find stuff, I guess. I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did : ^D tbh I'm just glad I'm not longer stuck with less than one hour a day to do stuff here, the lack of time for creative work was easily the worst part.
31/12/2022 - Blah blah blah hope everyone's holidays went well etc etc ANYWAY WE HAVE AN ENTER PAGE NOW, and this page has been moved to "home.html"
I've been going back and forth working on that splash screen, particularly the way it looks on mobile, but the damn thing just keeps breaking all the time! I've confirmed that it works on PC and my phone, though there's some varying issues with the position of the elements depending on the size of the user's phone screen. My vision had to be adjusted for the sake of compatibility, but I think my original idea remains, at least it still looks like my original concept sketch for it.
Either way, my job is making me turn into the Joker and I may be developping tendinitis, so that's a fun way to end the year.
What else... Oh yeah, I added a gallery page for my Life Drawing, where I basically compiled some stuff I've drawn for class :) I don't draw in "realistic" styles that often, but I still felt it would be appropriate to archive those works somewhere.
I'm also working on a "2022 Retrospective" journal entry since it's my tradition to write a long reflection of everything at the end of the year, but stuff has just been so busy lately, I haven't had the spoons to focus on something like that :( I hope I can finish it sometime this next week at least.
23/12/2022 - Welp, first week of work is done and my body is in pain and my mental health is just all over the place at the moment :')
I hardly have any time for any hobbies of mine, I managed to get myself to finish a commission today but I'm going to be taking less of those, at least until I feel like I juggle all of these things at once.
Those who check my activity on my Neocities profile probably noticed I was making updates to the website anyway despite being tired all the time. Coding has proven to be therapeutic when I'm not as much in a drawing mood... aNYWAY WHY DON'T I JUST WRITE A WHOLE JOURNAL ENTRY INSTEAD OF WRITING MY LIFE STORY IN THE SITE UPDATES SECTION-
What's new, uh... I'll write a list unless I find myself describing everything in needlessly meticulous detail:
- Created Site Map
- Updated footer, removing some buttons and moving them to the Links page, as well as updating the text on the Footer itself to include links to the Site Map as well as some other off-site links
- I played Hypnospace Outlaw (FINALLY) and I was inspired to add autoplaying music to some pages on the website, followed by a play/pause button in the corner so that it's not THAT obnoxious, as well as song name and Youtube link to song source.
"Beat Street" for the main page is symbolic to me because it was the song I was playing on loop when I was first making this website, but I do feel like it has a rather loud start, so I might replace it with a calmer song. (Or alternatively find a code that allows me to set a specific volume for it??? I have jumpscared myself a few times with it already LOL)
- I've drawn a concept for a splash screen (Or whatever those "ENTER" pages are called) for the website, but I do have to draw some stuff for it first and further flesh it out on what kind of eyestrain warnings my page demands. The splash screen will replace the index.html page while this current home page will be moved to some variation of home.html or main.html or something like that.
- Currently moving the information from my Commissions Carrd into its own page here :) Nothing too interesting there, just trying to figure out ways to redirect more people here
Overall, updates are sort of slowed down because my job has been very physically tiring. Fortunately I don't actually have to talk to people and can just run around with earbuds in, so my mental energy isn't getting sucked out and still allows for me to focus on other things. Though I probably won't write as many daily update logs, but I will continue working on this place :)
Happy holidays everyone!
18/12/2022 - I'm starting a new job tomorrow so updates are going to slow down while I adjust to a completely new schedule. I'm very nervous about it so I've been working on this place a bit to distract myself :)
I thought I had done all lightboxes on all galleries, but turns out that I missed the one on Candi's character page haha I still haven't linked that page anywhere so no wonder I forgot about it, oups! I also did some other minor CSS changes, but nothing that noticeable.
It's 5am right now but considering how I'm going to be working full night shifts, I might as well get back on my night owl schedule lol despite how long it took for me to get my sleep in order aaaaa
I still need to make a site map.
15/12/2022 - Lightboxes have been added to the currently existing galleries! I also added Lazy Loading to the Sonic art pages so they're less laggy :)
Since I finished the lightboxes earlier than expected, I also went ahead and added a new journal entry about my artist alley experience at Comic Con PT! I even included some pics of our table!
Unrelated, but I also made some 88x31 Aurelion Sol buttons for the Links page! What can I say? He's one of my comfort characters and I know I'd never find buttons of him so I made my own!
14/12/2022 - *Sighs exhasperated as I finish adding the lightboxes to the Sewing, Neopets and Old Photos pages before realizing I still have a LOT of other galleries to update* : ^) slowly...
13/12/2022 - Been at this all day, my eyes are tired, but I finally got around to setting up a lightbox system for my galleries and messing with its customization to match my website's theme better!
You can see it in action on the Featured Artwork section in this main page. The scripts were being a bit fussy with each other, particularly my layout script, which made it so that if I added lightboxes, my navbar and footer would just decide not to load lmao
And well, I don't have the patience for fussy codes, so I dug around the internet and found a different "layout loading" kind of script that does the exact same thing the old code did, except it doesn't intefere with the new lightbox script!
It's going to take a LOT of rewriting to add the lightboxes to my galleries since they require me to literally throw away my entire code and replace them with the new one.
On top of that, I also have to replace the layout loading code on other pages, so I have a lot of work ahead of me :') But considering this is an art-focused website, I was going to have to add lightboxes sooner or later!
Unrelated, but I also made some free to use Deltarune-themed 88x31 buttons in my Links page :) There are Spamton and Swatch ones, and also my Deltarune OCs Mike and Host if anyone is into that haha
11/12/2022 - Comic Con PT ended today and my brain is meltinggg, but I did some stuff on the website while winding down.
Earlier this morning, I received an email about being accepted into the Yesterweb Ring, it was the first webring I attempted to apply to, and I've added it to my page, so that's exciting!
On top of that, I also tampared with the colours of the Yesterweb widget to make it match my website better, and somewhere along the way, I also started messing with the CSS of the textareas for my button and stuff like that.
I hope to be able to write a journal post about how my Artist Alley went, but I should rest my brain first LOL
09/12/2022 - Artist Alley is tiring but I had time for a small website update. Mostly just performance stuff.
The Old Neopets Art page is easily the most sluggish page in the website, so I figured it was the ideal candidate for me to test out a Lazy Loading script I found online.
I have yet to test it out on my phone, but the difference in loading time is very noticeable. You can actually scroll without lag this time! I also placed the cursor trail in it's own .js page, so it should be getting replaced in the other pages eventually since I repeated the code on every single page again like a dumbass LOL
I feel the trail in its own file does make it move faster, though it's an extremely minor difference that I feel no one but me would notice. Or is it loading faster because the lazy loading is on? Who knows.
Day 3 of Comic Con PT tomorrow, it's been an extremely underwhelming convention so far, but hopefully things will pick up now that it's the weekend.
07/12/2022 - What up lads, we now have a Links page on the Navigation bar, replacing the former "Contact" page!
I added my button, the WebGarden Pot I mentioned in that other update, as well as a bunch of buttons from websites I enjoy!
I keep compulsively adding more and more blinkies and buttons to my footer, but I might trim them a bit and instead create a blinkie and button collection on the links page :)
(Might be a bit troubling to credit people since I didn't save the names of any of the sources... Need to think about what I'll be doing about that...)
aNYWAY, Comic Con PT is tomorrow and I'll be tabling until the 11th, so expect no updates to the website in the meantime.
I could write a blog post about the con once that's done? No promises :)
06/12/2022 - I got an Artist Alley table in two days and instead of working on art, I decided that I needed to make changes to the website's theme aGAIN.
I mainly worked on fixing some issues I had with the About page, and somehow I ended up fixing all the tables on the website, which weren't properly centered until now.
Speaking of that, I also remade the Interests boxes I had on that page since the scrolling thingy just wasn't doing it for me, and I ended up rewriting my FAQ. I also added some new text decorations to some pages, subtle enough, but I think it makes things prettier :) You can see it on the headers of the interest boxes hehe
Other than that... I made the Toggle text buttons look less like text you can click on and more like actual buttons! There's some weird padding or margin issues in the fanfic pages, but I'll fix that later
05/12/2022 - Finished my hard drive organizing so I'm back to working on this place! I finished the old Sonic Fan Art page and I've just kind of been messing around with some test pages here and there!
I also made a "Webgarden pot" if I'm getting the name right? :) I'm very happy with how it turned out. Maybe I should replace the placeholder Contact page with Links instead? If I do that, that's where I'll put it! I could put people's buttons there and stuff like that...
I really should start interacting more with the people of this community but I'm chronically shy and don't know the ettiquette so that makes me nervous :( Oh well.
03/12/2022 - Slower updates. Ever since I got the hard drive, I've been doing a mass cleaning up of all of my files. I found the missing Happy Tree Friends and My Little Pony Fan Art, but I also found a bunch of other stuff I previously thought was missing.
I updated the HTF and MLP pages, and once I'm done reorganizing these files, I'll see about finishing the Sonic Fan Art page. I also came across more old Neopets art so I should be adding those as well, as well as a few more pixel arts that were outside their expected folders.
All of this because I wanted to share the character page for Candi which I finished earlier! I still need to figure out where I'll link her from. I have a LOT of OCs, so I need to rethink how I'll organize them.
Speaking of old neglected OCs, I got my hands on that old hard drive, and I have managed to find the old HTF and MLP OC art. I will be adding it tomorrow since I just ate a sleepy gummy and it's finally starting to hit. Goodnight
29/11/2022 - Man, I've been so busy working on the website, who even has the time to write update logs about how I'm working on the website?!
Also I'm writing on mobile and wow this sucks, why did I think this was a good idea???? aNYWAY, I've been working on something cool, I think! Since this place will be a hub for all my creative stuff, and like 90% of that is OC-related content, I figured I'd start setting up some OC profiles.
I'm still figuring out the overall structure, but I got this one page I've been working on and I think it's coming out rather nicely :) Here since it's not linked anywhere on the website yet. warning for autoplay music and annoying gifs.
Maybe once I get a good base going, I can make pages for characters I do actually use LOL Maybe Malice might be a good candidate to practice a more complex page...
25/11/2022 - Less update logs but stuff is still getting made LOL. I finished the Sonic OC Art achive page and started making a page for my old Sonic Art, which I do have a lot of.
Ngl, I've burned out of making galleries, so today I made my second journal post ever, since the first and only one was made all the way back in February. It's here!
I do wish I would have made a less bummer post full of sad thoughts, but that would require me to have literally anything else going on in this brain of mine, which sadly isn't the case. Oh well, I do have therapy today so that hopefully helps in the mental health department ;)
21/11/2022 - I've once again continued to make make updates to the website but neglect to write the actual logs lol. I've been sick these past days, please bear with me :')
- Added photography archive page. Waiting for more photos for when I get my hands on that hard drive
- Added page for old Sonic OCs, still being worked on and will have descriptions eventually.
- Changed fonts for like the 5th time this month, I think I'm finally happy with how it looks? Who knows how long that will last.
- Added new planned links to the Navigation bar and also fiddled with the scrollbar again
Note to self - I want to make a page dedicated to my collections. I collect so much junk, who doesn't want to see every single raccoon plushie that I own? :) Perhaps a link within the About Me section?
17/11/2022 - Started my archive of old MLP Fan Art page and I found a bunch of Pixel Art stuff that missed my radar so I've just been kind of multitasking on both of those pages :)
A lot of MLP OC art is also missing, my guess is that during my 2015 DeviantArt purge, I archived it in the same place I keep the HTF OC art... AKA an old hard drive that's in my dad's house. I'll have to get my hands on it again, but until then, I'll add what I do have here!
16/11/2022 - Fixed an issue with the height of the galleries so hopefully they stop moving out of place. Also started the archive for my old Happy Tree Friends Art and I was about to finish it until I found out that there's a chunk of OC art that's just completely missing.
Not a fan of that. I know I would have archived something like that, but I'm suddenly doubting myself and feeling anxious that it's gone when I've been so careful to make backups of everything.
Time to go digging into some old hard drives for *Checks notes* "Art of my Happy Tree Friends OCs drawn in 2010". Wish me luck. Maybe I'll even find other stuff to add here.
15/11/2022 - Update 2 - Lots of housecleaning these past hours. I moved like 95% of the images on this website to Imgur, turns out the Pixel Art page was especially bad with the DeviantArt image links nearly all taking 3 lines each, and there were a lot of Weebly links spread around as well. At least stuff is easier to navigate.
I also updated the thumbnail for the Videos section to feature a gif of an animation I made last year :) There's still no page there, but I still wanted to mention it because I think the gif looks neat.
I was going to work on an Art Commission now, but my hand is giving out after hours of doing the same copy and pasting motion with replacing image links and everything else, so I'll try to get myself to rest a bit. (Or knowing myself, just find something less straining to do)
15/11/2022 - Update 1 - I think I can regard the Old Neopets Art page as finished now??? I reposted more of the images from that page to Imgur since I was linking them from an old Blogspot archive blog, but it still seems to struggle with loading x) I haven't uploaded the old adoptables yet but I'll get to that eventually.
I should start another archive page. I'm thinking either the Happy Tree Friends or the My Little Pony fanart, since I don't have as many of those but I still have enough to fill a page :) Back to digging in my archives.
14/11/2022 - I'm embarrassed over not understanding the Neocities ettiquette yet. I've only been working on my website in my own little corner and been too afraid to interact with other people, but I just learned that you're not supposed to link images from their websites as it takes up their bandwidth when people visit your website.
In retrospect, this feels obvious, I only linked them because I wanted people to be able to find the sources of the images quicker. I'm scared of running out of storage on my website by hosting images even though my usage is currently at 0.1%. I mean... I dON'T KNOW IF I'LL NEED IT FOR MORE IMPORTANT THINGS?? (Yes, I'm that kind of overthinker)
Anyway, I'll be reposting the images to Imgur. If anyone is reading these, is that a good idea? At least the links are nice and short.
10/11/2022 - Update 2 - It is now 4am and I have created Pipis Room and hid the link somewhere on this page.
Also RIP to the sparkly cursor, there's a new one now, but it's currently only available on this page. Will see about importing it to other pages soon.
10/11/2022 - Update 1 - So excited to have found this!! I updated the Pixel Art section to make it so that the artwork gets zoomed in when you hover on it! WITHOUT LOSING QUALITY OR THE PICTURES GETTING BLURRED!! I cannot put into words how happy that makes me! There are some weird overflow issues but those are a problem for future Jay to fix.
In other notes, added minor CSS changes and created an Update log page (Currently linked below) so I can start to archive these :) I can't help it, I just love archiving stuff!
Also asked for CSS help on Reddit regarding my weird footer issues, hopefully that will have a fix soon. I may have to sacrifice the sparkly cursor trail for the greater good of the website. I love it a lot but it's not the first time it's given me trouble.
09/11/2022 - Update 2 - Been mostly distracted today, but I added some more of the Neopets artwork and had to fix some extra issues with the galleries on mobile. Speaking of mobile, I adjusted the literature and journal pages to have a slightly wider formatting on smaller screens. I'm hesitant to add the rest of my fics in case I have to fix the formatting on every single page again, so I'll wait until I'm fully satisfied with it.
Old Neopets art page is almost finished, though it's a bit laggy... Is this a bandwidth issue from not being a neocities supporter (yet) or something else I can fix? Consider becoming a supporter once this place is better fleshed out.
09/11/2022 - Update 1 - Still working on the Neopets art section :) Added the art for some of my pets and did some very minor CSS changes. The galleries are a lot more finicky than I thought.
Reminder to self that I need to update the galleries on the Sewing page so they have the updated code. Not like they're visibly messed up there, but might as well get it out of the way :)
Not a fan of how fics look on mobile, consider looking into that and formatting it like AO3
07/11/2022 - Misc. minor updates here and there. Slightly reorganized the literature section and while at it, I added one of my League of Legends fanfics, Chained. It's from 2018 and I haven't reread it since, even now I couldn't bring myself to do it, but I want to update it slightly for any wonky sentences that maybe could be worded better.
I also added my very ancient Neopets adopts and old screenies from 2007 to the Old Neopets Art page! There's still a lot of art that is missing, but it will be getting added soon :) Slowly getting there. I'm experimenting with different gallery types.
I also had to move the website counter to the right sidebar in the main page because last night it wasn't loading for and I assume its host website was down, but that was causing the rest of the sidebars not to load.
At least with it being on the right side, it allows all the layout bars to load first. I am also aware that the Header and Footer are the last things to load, which likely has to do with the script I'm using for them. I wonder if there's anything I can do about that...
05/11/2022 - No one will see it but today I organized my CSS sheet and also cleaned up this index page a bit :) There's a lot of nonsense code I added when I was still trying to figure things out and I'm really proud of myself that I'm becoming better at this to the point where I can start seeing more and more mistakes I made.
Also unrelated, but I fixed the mobile stuff on the Journal page, and also added some extra Deltarune fanfics. Only AO3 links so far, I have IRL plans so I can't add the fics today. Maybe tomorrow if I'm not too tired.
04/11/2022 - Spent today messing around with this place. I slightly reorganized the pixel art page and adding my Deltarune OC sprites. I also finally made a new page for the Art Archive, particularly one for my old OLD art. I want to better improve my skills at making galleries and stuff like this before I go ahead and add my more recent and regular art.
Anyway, there's a bit of a placeholder image situation going on in those menus because a lot of the older art isn't available online anymore since my Photobucket is in a weird limbo state atm. I have everything saved at least, so that's a start.
I decided to start with my Neopets stuff since it's the earliest art I got archived... I only added a few adoptables and a few self-indulgent ramblings so far, but that's about it. I'll be adding the ancient screenshots and everything else soon-ish.
03/11/2022 - Update 2 - I used to think it was kind of silly when my teachers said to never do inline coding and put everything in a style sheet. I suddently understand what they meant :')
03/11/2022 - Update 1 - After many experimental back and forths, I finally managed to get a gallery layout that works in a way I like! It's hardly perfect and still has a few quirks I need to work on, but overall, I'm very happy with the result :)
I also added a new font to the h2 and h3 thingies to spice things up and so far I'm very happy with how it's turning out!
While I was working on the gallery features, I also reworked the Art Archive Page a bit. The links still aren't functional aside from the Pixel Art and Sewing ones, but we'll get there :) Now that I'm writing this, maybe I should remove the links that lead to the stock W3Schools placeholder picture of a mountain haha
Edit - I did that, AND I finally made the main page more mobile friendly! Normally I wouldn't care, but I would like to show this website to my dad seeing as he mostly uses the phone, and it would be cool if the first impression wasn't a broken website :'D
The pixel art page needs better organization before I go ahead and start making more pages. I initially made the pixel art page right away since it's a type of art that I rarely made, wELL GUESS WHAT MY DELTARUNE PHASE REALLY GOT ME INTO DOING AGAIN.
I'm also debating how my OC section is going to look like. Initially I was only going to add Drimare Universe content, but seeing how my brain got hijacked by Deltarune, perhaps a "By Universe" filter for the OC pages would be cool? Somewhat inspired on the current organization on my perhaps.
01/11/2022 - sO I DIDN'T FORGET ABOUT THIS, I just kind of lost motivation and suddenly it's November. Anyway I saw a post on Tumblr about NeoCities and was like "Oh hey, that's the thing I have", so here I am again.
While I went on a bit of a self-indulgent stupor by adding a bunch of buttons I liked to my Footer, I'm mainly doing behind the scenes changes atm. I changed the overall website's font to "MS Pゴシック" but much to my dismay, the pixely effect is lost when you go above 22 pixels, and it does not seem to work on my phone at all :(
Perhaps I'll go look for a better pixeley font to match the vibes I'm going for this place, I did have to increase the font size since the italics got a bit crunchy at some point.
Currently I'm moving the glittery cursor code somewhere else, because rather than putting it in it's own separate page with the header, I just pasted the entire script on every page separately, so now I have to edit out every single page that has it, good thing this website doesn't have that many pages on it yet...?
Page Idea - Site Map?
12/04/2022 - Awkward moment when you make a Latest Updates section but neglect to update it when you change the website lol. Added an art section for my Pixel Art :)
Also added a new plush to the Sewing section and greyed out buttons for empty pages on the Creative Archive so it's clearer which pages are available and which aren't. ...Responsive layouts on most pages are still waiting to be made.
03/03/2022 - Slow updates, been too caught up in commissions and other projects to work on this place, but I did add the first page to the Art Archive, particularly one for my plushie work since I have so few of them. I'm debating whether I'll use that format for all the art pages or if I should try something different...
Note to self - The "To Give You Heaven" fic isn't posted here yet, don't forget. Also add CSS to links and make them look nicer.
24/02/2022 - Did not add League of Legends fanfics lol. But I did add the journal page and a single entry, as well as thumbnails for the art gallery and have begun to tamper with media queries so this place actually looks navigable on mobile. I was worried it would be too hard but it's actually pretty simple to understand and I'm kind of resenting getting crappy grades in the HTML/CSS classes because I couldn't get my dumb creature brain to understand how media queries worked. Why did teachers make it sound like such a headache???
23/02/2022 - Update 2 - Added all the Deltarune fanfics except the ones that are works in progress. Added base for Art Archive but still not happy with the format. Tomorrow add the League of Legends fanfics while thinking about it??
23/02/2022 - Update 1 - Slow day. Added FAQ section on the About page and started attempting to add an interests section. Struggling with boxes and whatnot, I'm not even that invested in adding interests, consider scrapping?
22/02/2022 - Added Latest Updates bar, draft for About page and a few Deltarune fanfics. Still need to plan out how the art gallery will look. Also create an update log page so I can archive these updates when they become too much? I had an idea to make a page dedicated to my hyperfixation history earlier, would that be stupid?