You look around as you find yourself in front of what appears to be a regular NeoHome like any other.
Curiosity strikes you when your knocking gets no response, but yet you can hear voices inside. Disregarding any sort of common sense, you open the door with the power of convenience and walk into the house.
It seems quite tidy, decorated with shades of purple and blue, but before you're able to take in any more details, you hear a voice once more and you look for the source. A closed purple door seems to be the culprit, and as you walk towards it, you knock and open the door, revealing a dark room with a figure sat at the desk, the light of a monitor barely lighting her face.
A female squeaks out, but as she turns to face you, she lets out a chirp mixed with a scream "H-HEY YOU'RE NOT...!" falling off her chair, you notice light feathers that she let out, and as she quickly turns on the light, you finally notice.
It's a Pteri, with pale lavender feathers and pink striped markings, headphones hanging off the desk as the game she was playing kept running.
You both spend a few minutes simply staring at eachother, and she eyes both sides.
"...We cool? You're not here to steal anything, are you?"
You shake your head and she slowly gets up and reaches for the computer, typing something, closing the game, then posting a few things on Chirper and PetBook.
After an awkward moment of silence, she looks back at you.
"Were you trying to visit my... Petpage? Urgh, it's a mess, I wasn't expecting any visitors to come over! You see, I'm a very busy girl, I don't have the time for such things!"
She sighs and looks up thoughtfully. You take this time to inspect her room, the periwinkle walls are adorned with various posters of what you assume to be kid's shows, games and other interests.
"Right! So I should tell you a bit about myself, right? Gimme a sec then."